Thursday, May 6, 2010


Just saying if you ever plan of coming here, be prepared for the worst 12 hours of traveling ever. i endured this while being sick as a dog, spewing up a number of times in airport bathrooms. my plane left bali to jakarta at 6am, i already had been spewing up in my hotel room right before i got a cab to the airport. i checked my bags in feeling like i could faint at any time, but somehow made my way through no problems to the waiting lounge where i sat concentrating on my breathing so i wouldn't throw up all over my self.
i passed out as soon as i got to my seat on the plan, the hour flight felt like i had my eyes shut for 2 minutes, so i get off and that feeling comes back over me, i make my way into the airport and find the nearest toilet to unleash my vomit onto, gather my self together then head to my connecting flight into sumatra.
planes delayed by an hour and half so i sit in the waiting lounge hating my self for even attempting to have a few drinks last night and not getting home til 1am "why didnt i just drink water and go to bed at like 10, fuck". finally its time to board the plane for the 45 minute flight to another fucking world in mind.
So at the airport the group of traveling surfers are met by the camps drivers. 2 cars between 9 guys, then a 6 hour drive to the camp through the fucking shittest roads ive seen in my life, hazards included other motorists, cows, chickens, ducks, POTHOLES!!! narrow rounds, 20 ton diggers loading into trucks right as we drive past. wtf. i kept passing in and out during the 6 hours but kept getting woken up to my head eather smashing into the window or the guy next to me as we hit another pothole or swerve to avoid a fucking duck or something euqually as crap.
the whole time im trying to compose myself not to throw up again. such a mind fuck.
anyway in the end we eventaully get here to a beautfil set up camp, that seems to have endless possiblities for waves in a 100km coastline, which sits kinda of well with me. the next 11 days passed.


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