Having a nice pad looking onto keike beach and being a close ride to pipe and foodland.
Humma snapping the board he was meant to sell to me. board sacrifice to the Keike shorey.
The rage of discipline being forced onto the household.
My birthday on the 6th, turned 23 had a small gathering with friends and a couple new friends.
Chicken strips from foodland being the new crack cocaine, gosta weigh that shit up.
Alex Hasley paying for a 30 block of beers, riding to Foodland to get a pizza at 11 then spewing up in he's bed, snapping a new board during he's first surf and always eating food, looking like a bear cub, smashing a wine glass in he's hand, and always eating food, wearing he's "going out" clothes to go on chat roulette but always getting nexted by girls, got beat up by rico at off the wall and eating heaps of food.
Night out in wikiki, taxi costing $125, going to some whack ass club with us being the whitest dudes in there, then going to a hip hop club and being semi normal, taxi ride home at 5am. blew close to $300us that night.
Crashing my bike trying to bunny hop down a ledge, smashed my knee onto gravel, grazed the fuck out of it and it swelled up like a mini basketball. walked with a shit limp for a week and couldn't surf.
Chat roulette being the biggest time waster ever.
Going into town to get taco bell and see shutter island, missing the last bus home, then having to hitch hike, finally get picked up. 11 fellas in the back of a pick up truck.
Cholos, thats some good mexican food.
Surfing pipe for 2 hours and catching 2 waves on one of the biggest and best days of pipe ive ever seen, i got pumped on both waves.
Keike being hella fun. best skim beach
Lawrence the local drug dealer saying " its good shit, i snorted it aaaaand i smoked it"
Turbo bodyboards and Millers light putting on a party with beer supplied. then all the groms stealing most of the beers, the party got shut down so it was moved to our house.
Saw Jay Adams at off the wall, but then saw Haouli Reeves walk by which was way better. Also saw Aka Lyman do a backside floater.
The bin being full and having to be taken out every single day.
Hug coming over from the mainland to hang for a few days.
Luehman's punt at backdoor. fuccccking sick
Cooking hell steaks most nights.
Arizona orangeade
Outdoor shower being better than the indoor one.
Still being a shit bodyboarder that can pretty much only go left. yeah dog, but still having a good time being a mad chiller and hangerouter.
"The rage of discipline being forced onto the household."
THE Rage Of Discipline?
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