I take my seat, no one sits next to me, i read and listen to music for a bit, i take 2 sleeping pills, i lay but nothing, i take another. I'm out cold. i dream I'm catching a train to vegas but get off at the wrong stop and there is lots of people from Bunbury smoking rock and I'm really pissed off. i awake to a dead arm and breakfast of mcmuffin looking thing with yogurt. i listen to some more music and it seems like the ten hour flight went really fast with only an hour till landing.
Get off the plane, straight with customs without a problem, the nice lady is impressed with the number of stamps in my passport, a good amount without being a drug smuggler. pick up bags and boards, get out cash and jump into a van. "to the north shore maaaan".
House is so nice, claim the fold out couch as my sleeping head quarters, look directly out the back. waves could be ok.. but I'm wrecked. i decide to internet and rest. 2 go to surf off the wall. come back with a snapped board. head to foodland. Vietnam water and chicken strips. internet, then catch the bus to Walmart. purchase a push bike. bus ride back.. fuck public transport. meth man up the back laughing at nothing. Halsey is scared. bikes off the bus and back to the house.
Waves have got worse, wind is up. foodland again, shop for the next few days, steaks, pasta, bread, fruit and vegetables. steak for dinner with a side of lettuce, cheese and tomato. more internet. fold out couch into bed. sleeping mask on, ipod in.
wake at 7.30, slept on my arm again. get up, look out the back. wind is blowing its guts out but swell has come in over night. get on push bike ride down to rock piles, i can see off the wall, backdoor and pipe, its a fucking mess and no one is out. star bucks is offshore, so i head there. large cafe latte, score a free small soy latte as well, ride home with a coffee in each hand. hit a bump, spills over my legs. hot hot hot. get back, others start to get up. internet/tv 78 channels.. nothing on. i want to go in the water. hawaii'10. Whens there going to be waves?
always offshore.
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